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    Wednesday, October 17, 2007

    Cutting the Flesh

    So this is the update on my hand... All is going good and the doc says I can return to full on hard core work in about a week but for now I'll just have to live with light duty :-(


    McPherson said...

    Hey JACO if you are a vessel which holds The Light - can I call you "JACO-LANTERN"?!?!!

    Ha Ha!

    Sarah Renée said...

    oh my gosh! What did you do to your hand?!?

    J@KE said...

    Tammy that comment made me laugh out loud. :-)

    Sarah, I cut my hand while camping.... the story is..... Stupid is as stupid does. I was messing around with my buck knife, carving a small peice of wood when I slipped and carved my thumb.... Nine stiches and ten days later are the most recent pictures I posted.
