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    Monday, May 14, 2007

    Who Likes Shadows?

    I personally love them. I just don't really have much else to say about it.

    Here are some from my R'epertoire...


    Aurora said...

    OOh, i'm loven the one witht he bicycle dudes!

    Well, one day i went to go talk to my counslor cos we get along very well, so i told her about my photography and she wanted to see it and i showed her and she was amazed. then she went online and she started telling me about this photographer that i would love, she said that she she shot her brothers wedding or friends brothers wedding...i donno, all i know is that she was at a wedding with sarah or so i understood and since then i have been dazzled by sarahs work. and no, ive never met sarah, i cant even get her to comment me ahaha, im pathetic. as for what im shooting with, well ugh...its not so sophisticated but my baby does its job and call me lame but i donno much about cameras =/

    my cam is...a..*reading camera* Olympus FE-170

    it's a normal family picture taking digital

    amynave said...

    Hey, do you bike?

    If so you should take it up so when you come to visit all of us in SB we can bike together:) No hangers involved:P