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    Tuesday, April 11, 2006

    CUBS lose :-(

    Today we (Zeke, Naomi, Phil and I) went to the CUBS game. We got there in the top of the second inning and the Cubbies were already losing 2-0 needless to say we were not pleased nor were the rest of the 36,708 fans (excluding of course the Reds fans and apparently a sox fan or two. What the!!!)

    The moral of the story is....... CUBS LOSE and a bitter loss it was.

    We still had fun though as you can see (Me stuffing my face with the most packed hotdog on the planet!) here.....
    Phil "wolfed" his dog down before I got to shoot.
    (I didn't get a good shot of Zeke unfortunately but I had plenty in the last post so hopefully that makes up for it)

    Hay that's my camera! Well just like it anyway!
    I gotta get me one of these
    I shot some fun while YMCA was playing

    We needed more of this

    but it wasn't 'till the 8th that we even scored and at that we only got one.... Quite disappointing. In the ninth we got another but that's all the ol' boys could muster.

    All I can say is WHAT THE!!!!!! I've done some strange (some might even say wired) things but WOW this one takes the cake!!

    Truth be told this isn't that bad but I just thought it funny for a some what older male person to have a flower in their ear!!!!


    Sarah Barlow said...

    Dude!! Looks like fun!!
    ...maybe next year!...

    J@KE said...

    Thanks Dawn I just finished browising your stuff as well....... You do GREAT work!!!