Baby steps to getting a photography business started...... Baby steps to getting business for the photography business....... I'm baby steppin' and I'm doin' the work..... I'm not a slacker...... and it's all finally coming together (even though it's coming slower than I hoped and planned).... This (I'll have you know) is the first engagement shoot I've done on my own(more's the pity, I say) and I'm proud to say I love the pictures that came out of it!!! Todd and Shaina are two friends that I've known for some time now and If you were to ask me I would've never in my wildest dreams put them together as a couple (well maybe in my WILDEST but totally not in any normal dreams) ;-P It's a good thing I'm not in charge of that department because God in His amazing wisdom has indeed put them together, and I'm so happy that He did because they complement each other in every way, and they are so cute together, and caring.... and they're my friends so I'm just happy for them (what else can I say)! I was totally honored when they asked me to do the photography for their special day that I didn't know how to respond at first, so I just said I'll pray about it and we'll see what God says....... Well He approves so I'll be shooting they're wedding on the 27th of December!! I'm so excited for them that I can hardly believe there's only one month to go!!!!
I was given this link from a friend and it is exactly what my heart is saying..... He loves! The truth of the matter is I'm nothing..... My flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field..... But He has GREAT value in me and has a plan for my life and GREAT things for me and for me to do! If this doesn't BLOW YOUR MIND....... Check your pulse!
I'm a simple man with a simple plan.... To serve Jesus Christ with my whole heart for the rest of my days..... I LOVE Photography and God has gifted me in it so I can serve people. I want to leave a legacy of righteousness in business (and life in general) for future generations. I strive to give people all that they expect in a photographer and WAY WAY more! I want to truly "show" people Jesus through the way I serve and I ask for His grace to do it.
Thanks for visiting my site :-)
Feel free to contact me withany questions about anything (prices, services or just me!).I'd be more than happy to accommodate you. I love to talk to people so the worst that could happen is you not asking and as a result, me not being able to help you. :-(
So don't be a "stick-in-the-mud" and just ask whatever pops in your head.
Wedding Photography: $3000
Portraits: $250
(All other photography needs will be charged by the hour)